January 2022

Woman in red shirt at a table holding a key above a small mini model house considering buying a house and pros and cons..

Buying a House Pros and Cons

Deciding where to live is a major life decision. When making the decision on renting or buying a house, consider pros and cons. Renting a place to live can come in a variety of forms including renting a unit within an apartment or townhouse complex, to renting a single family home directly from the owner. […]

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vegetable soup and grilled cheese

Vegetable Soup in a Slow Cooker

January is National Soup Month Vegetable lentil soup in a slow cooker is the perfect meal to start a new year. Soup is the ultimate satisfying comfort food and can also be a healing and healthy meal. January is National Soup Month which makes sense to us in the northern states where we need cozy

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